
  Great Christmas Giveaway Game

How it

  Every day we will display 10 random names from our address lists. Everyone who sees his name on the list is a potential *winner* and can get a 100 DM coupon. Potential winners must send us an e-mail before 12 noon on the next day (EST) with their full name and address. The coupon can be used to order any of our products.

Submit your address

  If we do not already have your address, you can subit it now. This gives you the chance to get on the Christmas list :-)

Here is my address: address@haage-partner.com
    This Chrismas game runs until 24th December !!!

And the winners are...


The potential winners of 24.12.97:

  1. Thomas Galler, Wolfen
  2. Lamar McLouth, Davison (USA)
  3. Daniel Reich, Zeißig
  4. Horst Gallschütz, Riesa
  5. Jan Simonson, Uppsalla ()
  6. Victor van der Laan, Dalen ()
  7. Jan Tervo, Raisio (Finland)
  8. Martin Geritsen, Nieuwneen ()
  9. Wilfried Kraus, Saarbrücken
  10. Pat Roberts, Los Angeles (USA)

The potential winners of 23.12.97:

  1. Gunter Schmidt, Denzlingen
  2. Falko Spranger, Hagenbüchach
  3. Richard Sopko, Bethlehem (USA)
  4. Georg Gren, Viersen
  5. Ernst Stadlmayr, Ohlsdorf
  6. Hurik Stenglund, Kinna ()
  7. Uwe Ratz, Jena
  8. Mario Kuszeinna, Berlin
  9. Andrea Suatoni, Roma (Italy)
  10. Lars Riis Olsen, Aars ()

The potential winners of 22.12.97:

  1. Wolfgang Ziffler, Eggstädt
  2. Andreas Menzel, Wenningen
  3. Eric Lenhardt, Wallerfangen
  4. Jacques Bouquiaux, Brüssel (Belgium)
  5. Philipp van Hüllen, Neuss
  6. Raphael Biermann, Osnabrück
  7. Siegfried Süßdorf, Bad Salzungen
  8. Michael Klemke, Lörrach
  9. Germinal Magro, Hanige (Sweden)
  10. Paul Saccard, Souvigny (France)

Yes, my name is on the list: winner@haage-partner.com


  The deadline for winning is based on the time that your e-mail reaches our server. Your e-mail has to contain your full name and full address. If need be, we reserve the right to ask for proof of identity before awarding any price. The winning coupon is valid thru 31th January 1998. It cannot be used for existing orders nor can you get the amount in cash. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen!

© 1997 HAAGE & PARTNER Computer - http://www.haage-partner.com